Saturday, August 31, 2019

Quality of Primary Education in India Essay

Education in India is provided by the public sector as well as the private sector, with control and funding coming from three levels: central,state, and local. Taxila was the earliest recorded centre of higher learning in India from at least 5th century BCE and it is debatable whether it could be regarded a university or not. The Nalanda University was the oldest university-system of education in the world in the modern sense of university. Western education became ingrained into Indian society with the establishment of the British Raj. Education in India falls under the control of both the Union Government and the states, with some responsibilities lying with the Union and the states having autonomy for others. The various articles of the Indian Constitution provide for education as a fundamental right. Most universities in India are controlled by the Union or the State Government. India has made progress in terms of increasing primary education attendance rate and expanding literacy to approximately two thirds of the population. [3] India’s improved education system is often cited as one of the main contributors to the economic rise of India. [4] Much of the progress, especially in higher education and scientific research, has been credited to various public institutions. The private education market in India is merely 5%[ although in terms of value is estimated to be worth $40 billion in 2008 and will increase to $68–70 billion by 2012. However, India continues to face stern challenges. Despite growing investment in education, 25% of its population is still illiterate; only 15% of Indian students reach high school, and just 7% graduate. The quality of education whether at primary or higher education is significantly poor as compared with major developing nations. As of 2008, India’s post-secondary institutions offer only enough seats for 7% of India’s college-age population, 25% of teaching positions nationwide are vacant, and 57% of college professors lack either a master’s or PhD degree As of 2011, there are 1522 degree-granting engineering colleges in India with an annual student intake of 582,000, plus 1,244 polytechnics with an annual intake of 265,000. However, these institutions face shortage of faculty and concerns have been raised over the quality of education. [9] In India education system is not based on pure merit, but its based on caste based reservations. In universities/Colleges/Institutions affiliated to federal government there is minimum 50% of reservations applicable to various castes. At state level it varies. State of Andhra Pradesh has 83. 33% of reservations as on 2012 ,which is highest percentage of reservations in India. So the state is popularly known as the state that killed merit. PRIMARY EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA The Indian government lays emphasis to primary education up to the age of fourteen years (referred to as Elementary Education in India. ) The Indian government has also banned child labour in order to ensure that the children do not enter unsafe working conditions. However, both free education and the ban on child labour are difficult to enforce due to economic disparity and social conditions. 80% of all recognized schools at the Elementary Stage are government run or supported, making it the largest provider of education in the Country. [pic] However, due to shortage of resources and lack of political will, this system suffers from massive gaps including high pupil to teacher ratios, shortage of infrastructure and poor levels of teacher training. Figures released by the Indian government in 2011 show that there were 5,816,673 elementary school teachers in India. As of March 2012 there were 2,127,000 secondary school teachers in India. Education has also been made free] for children for 6 to 14 years of age or up to class VIII under the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act 2009. There have been several efforts to enhance quality made by the government. The District Education Revitalization Programme (DERP) was launched in 1994 with an aim to universalize primary education in India by reforming and vitalizing the existing primary education system. 85% of the DERP was funded by the central government and the remaining 15 percent was funded by the state The DERP, which had opened 160000 new schools including 84000 alternative education schools delivering alternative education to approximately 3. 5 million children, was also supported by UNICEF and other international programmes. This primary education scheme has also shown a high Gross Enrollment Ratio of 93–95% for the last three years in some states. Significant improvement in staffing and enrollment of girls has also been made as a part of this scheme. The current scheme for universalization of Education for All is the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan which is one of the largest education initiatives in the world. Enrollment has been enhanced, but the levels of quality remain low. CONCERNS FOR QUALITY EDUCATION As far as the provision of access and coverage is concerned, India today boasts of its educational system being the second largest in the world. It consists of nearly 610 thousand primary and 185 thousand upper primary schools, about a quarter million nonformal education centers, about 1. 87 million teachers and 110 million students study in primary classes in the recognized schools (1997-98). As per 1991 Census estimates there were about 115. 6 million children in primary school going age group in the country2. The latest educational statistics indicate a GER of 89. 7 percent for primary classes (81. 2 percent being for girls and 97. 7 percent for boys). 3 . The number of students in primary  classes in India is larger than the total population of the neighboring Bangladesh THE STATE OF QUALITY OF PRIMARY EDUCATION IN INDIA The key concern about education, in any formal educational system, of all time, has been its quality. Every stake holder, direct or indirect, of education is concerned about its quality. Guardians or parents, irrespective of their socio-economic status, want to educate their children with best quality education which would add better value to the degrees their wards acquire subject to the budget constraints. But what do we mean by ‘quality education? How this quality is being assessed? What is the status of the quality of education in India? This paper seeks to focus on these issues with respect to the quality of primary education in India. There is no universally accepted definition for ‘quality of education’. In education, perception of quality is around students (Mukhopadhyay, 2001). The performance of the students like examination results, learning achievements, ability to apply learned knowledge in practical life– exhibit the quality of an education. For some, â€Å"Quality of education† means value addition in education (Feigenbaum 1951); excellence in education (Peters and Waterman 1982); for others, fitness of education outcomes and experience for use (Juran and Gryna 1988). For a society, â€Å"excellence† and â€Å"value† are most appropriate indicators for quality education. A generally accepted definition of quality education does not exist and different end users adopt different criteria for determining the quality of education. In this study we measure the quality of primary education on the basis of student learning achievement (i. e. , ability of read, write and do mathematics). PRIMARY EDUCATION :UNIVERSILITY VS QUALITY: The universal declaration of human rights (1948) considered primary education as the basic human right of all people. Accordingly, all nations prioritized universal access to education. The developed and developing countries have attained universal or near universal access to primary education. Now the focus is on the quality of student learning. The quality concern is not uniform across the nations. The developing and poor nations are still striving for expansion of educational access. It has been established that access to education and its quality are not sequential  elements. At the sub-regional meeting of South Asian Ministers in Katmandu in April 2001, quality education was unanimously identified as a priority area. All participants were in agreement that there was an urgency to develop the quality of education to meet the intermediate target and education for all by 2015. Because how well pupil are taught and how much they learn can have a crucial impact on how long they stay in school and how regularly they attend. Further whether parents send their children to school at all is likely to depend on the judgment they make about the quality of teaching and learning. Based on this perception parents decide whether attending school is worth the time and cost for their children and for themselves. The World Bank (1997) suggested that ‘the best way to improve access is to improve quality which would make coming to school or staying in school a more attractive option from the perspective of parents as well as children. Moreover, efforts to improve quality will tend to increase the efficiency of the public expenditure and will encourage parents to contribute children education’. In the year 1950, when the Constitution of India was adopted, education was recognized as a basic individual right. Directive Principles of State Policy, Article 45, states that â€Å"the state shall endeavour to provide within a period of ten years from the commencement of this Constitution, for free and compulsory education for all children until they complete the age of fourteen years† (The Constitution of India). In line with the commitment of the country to provide elementary education to all children, educational facilities have got tremendously expanded during the post independence period, especially in primary stage. The number of primary school in India has increased from 2. 2 lakhs in 1950-51 to nearly 7 lakhs in 2004-05. In addition, there are at present nearly 3 lakhs non-formal education centres providing primary level education to out-of-school children in the age group 9 to 14. This expansion has definitely helped in making primary level education more easily accessible to a large section of children. As a result, the illiteracy rate and drop-out rate at school stage have come down. The national literacy rate has increased from 52. 21 per cent in 1991 to 64. 84 per cent in 2001. The drop-out rate has also declined from 64. 9 per cent in 1960-61 to 29 per cent in 2004-2005. Although the literacy  rates for both males and females have increased, the latter still continues to lag behind the former. However, there has been a narrowing of the male-female gap in literacy from 24. 8 percentage point in 1991 to 21. 7 percentage point in 2001(Selected Educational Statistics 2004-05). Primary education is the first stage of formal education. The main objective of quality primary education is to inculcate basic knowledge about reading, writing and arithmetic among the children. It is expected that after the successful completion of the primary level of education, a pupil should be able to read, write, and solve simple arithmetic problem. A study conducted by the Teamlease Services has revealed a very disappointing scenario of primary education in India. The study was conducted in primary schools in all the States of India (excluding Union Territories, Mizoram, Sikkim) to measure the learning achievement (quality) of students in language and mathematics. This study found that in India after completion of primary level education, 11 per cent student were not able to recognize anything, 14. 1 per cent can recognize only letters, 14. 9 per cent can read a word, 17 per cent can read a paragraph of a story and only 42. 8 per cent can read the complete story (Table 1). School Children who can read-standard-wise (IV) (in per cent) |State |Nothing |Letters |Word |One-Para of the |Complete story | | | | | |story | | |Andhra Pradesh |8. 8 |10. 5 |15. 6 |17. 7 |47. 35 | |Arunachal Pradesh |7. 2 |13. 5 |21. 6 |13. 3 |44. 4 | |Assam |10. 8 |15. 5 |20. 2 |21. 2 |32. 3 | |Bihar |14. 9 |15. 2 |12. 8 |14. 8 |42. 3 | |Goa |6 |6. 1 |12. 9 |24. 2 |56. 2 | |Gujarat |7. 2 |12. 4 |18. 9 |18. 6 |42. 9 | |Haryana |8. 5 |12. 1 |12. 7 |16. 1 |50. 7 | |Himachal Pradesh |3. 5 |14. 9 |11. 8 |14. 5 |55. 35 | |Jammu & Kashmir |3. 4 |10. 2 |26. 5 |20. 8 |39. 1 | |Karnataka |5. 4 |12. 1 |17. 7 |19. 0 |45. 9 | |Kerala |3. 2 |3. 7 |10. 7 |11. 3 |71. 1 | |Madhya Pradesh |15. 7 |15. 3 |15. 5 |17. 1 |36. 5 | |Maharashtra |7 |12. 1 |13. 0 |17. 4 |50. 45 | |Manipur |10. 6 |10. 7 |18. 7 |15. 7 |44. 4 | |Meghalaya |9 |8. 9 |22. 0 |8. 9 |59. 5 | |Nagaland |3. 1 |16. 5 |21. 7 |255. 6 |33. 2 | |Orissa |12. 4 |15. 0 |13. 5 |15. 05 |44. 2 | |Punjab |8. 9 |15. 3 |15. 1 |17. 85 |42. 8 | |Rajasthan |15. 8 |13. 2 |12. 7 |14. 95 |43. 6 | |Tamil Nadu |10. 3 |11. 4 |17. 5 |17. 3 |43. 6 | |Tripura |1. 0 |7. 3 |11. 7 |16. 8 |63. 4 | |Utter Pradesh |16. 8 |19. 2 |14. 6 |14. 8 |34. 6 | |West Bengal |4. 3 |12. 3 |13. 8 |24. 6 |44. 9 | |Chhattisgarh |7. 3 |16. 0 |15. 0 |15. 5 |46. 4 | |Jharkhand |13. 8 |16. 9 |15. 5 |15. 4 |38. 5 | |Uttaranchal |6. 8 |13. 0 |11. 2 |13. 3 |55. 7 | |All India |11. 0 |14. 1 |14. 9 |17. 0 |42. 8 | Source: India Labour Report 2007 The condition of students learning achievement (quality) is extremely poor in mathematics compare to language. This study found that after the successful completion of the primary level education, 18. 6 per cent children could not recognize the numbers, 26. 7 per cent children can recognize the numbers but not able to do addition or subtraction, 23. 9 per cent children only can do subtraction, and only 30. 7 per cent children can do addition, subtraction as well as division. Table 2 contains data relating to mathematical learning achievement (quality) in all Indian states. IMPROVING QUALITY OF PRIMARY EDUCATION For improving quality, the concerned authorities need to emphasis on the following issues,Early childhood education is extremely important and must be universalized. Aelevant curriculum. Accurate assessment of learning outcomes. Participatory management of education system. Engaging local communities,. Using ICT in teaching learning process Training of teachers and administrators of ICT. ,District Institute of Education and Training (DIETs) and State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) need to be more strengthened and undergo structural changes. ,Establishment of a National Primary Education Assessment system like National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) for Higher education. ,Strengthening the teacher training institution. Reform in examination system. Proficiency in English is widely perceived as an important avenue for employment and upward knowledge, which also greatly facilitates the pursuit of higher education. English should be incorporated into the curriculum of primary schools as a language subject. CONCLUSION It appears from the empirical study that quality of primary education has been compromised for its universality in India. Operation Black Board, District Primary Education Project, National Literacy Programme, Sarvha Shiksha Abhiyan—all aim at universalizing. It is time that the nation pays heed to the quality dimension. As it has already been pointed out, quality indirectly helps in making the quantity. As a result, quality improvement programmes need to be devised for all levels—national, state and district.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Auto Biography

was born and brought up in Houston, Texas. Ours is a family of four with my parents, me and my younger brother. The schooling years of my life were toughest. I struggled a lot in my studies. The standardized procedure of education never interested me. I was an average student throughout my academic life. Extra-curricular activities like sports, drawing, crafts, etc. were my favorite things. I just remember that it was the second semester of 8th grade when I stood first in class.However, it didn't serve any purpose in motivating me to take up studies seriously. I enjoyed understanding the concepts more than just memorizing ready-made notes. After completion of my schooling and college in the science stream, I chose to become a painter. It was a weird decision taken by me at that time. Today, however, I don't regret it at all. My career in painting began a smoothly and I was more than happy to grab the right opportunity for which I was waiting so long.Today, I am happy with my life and enjoy it to the fullest. The positive attitude to face hardships brought out the best in me. Today I am looking forward to face the challenges of life in a positive manner. The content presented in the example above gives only a rough idea of how an autobiography should start; one can use a similar write up as an example of autobiography for college projects. Writing an autobiography is a huge effort and requires patience to put the facts and experiences in a proper manner.Autobiographies are detailed accounts of a person's life and should be written with care and responsibility. The autobiography sample provided in the article above provides an idea about how to write about yourself in an interesting manner. Autobiographies are detailed accounts of our lives which help in remembering the happy and sad moments as well. One can draw inspiration from the tough times of the past and move on in life with a positive attitude. Read more at Buzzle: http://www. buzzle. com/articles/autobio graphy-sample. html

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Biophysical Processess and Health Assessment

Discuss about the Biophysical Processess and Health Assessment. Mr. A (70 yrs) is from the Srilanka. He is living alone in his home on the outskirt of city alone as his wife was expired two years before. He is not interested to stay with his son who is staying in the same city. His is financially weak as he don’t have any i e source and he is having very little pension. Hence, he can’t offer to have helper to assist in his activities of daily living. munity from which Mr. A belongs is traditionalist in character, as people from this munity are not interested to share their health problems with healthcare professional. 15 years before he was diagnosed with peptic ulcer, diabetes, obesity, ostoporosis, fatty liver cirrhosis and hypertension and till date he is having these disease conditions. Mr. A was consuming bisoprolol, atenolol, esomeprazole, metformin, frusemide, spironolactone and orlistat since some time. He was on alcohol consumption and chronic smoking since few years. Milk products and eggs are allergic to him. He is not ea ting nutritious food and as result his nutritional balance is impaired. In recent times, his vital systems were tested and below are the observations. He has breathing problem, stomach pain, vomiting, insomnia and he has feeling of loss of appetite and lethargy. It is evident that he wishes to keep isolated from society and family members and pletely depressed. Mr. A feels that society and family members are not going to accept him in this condition. Society and family members are unhappy with his lifestyle since long time and his presenting condition is due to his lifestyle. As he is depressed, he is forgetting routine things and he disoriented to time, however he is oriented to the people. Liver function tests are performed for Mr. A because he has liver cirrhosis. Liver function test generally estimates proteins such as alanine transaminase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), albumin, and bilirubin. Atypical level of these proteins exhibit degree of liver damage or scarring. Full blood examination (FBE) exhibit plete examination of health of the Mr.A. Diagnosis of acute inflammation can be performed by C-reactive protein (CRP) estimation. Test for the inflammation was performed because Mr. A has peripheral oedema (cirrhosis).   MBI test is generally performed as metabolic panel test essentially for diabetes, liver disease, kidney disease and hypertension. MBI test was performed because Mr. A is having multiple diseases.   CT scan of the left hip of Mr. A was performed as Mr. A has pain in hip. With the help of CT scan degree of pression of fracture can be determined and it is also useful for the evaluation of severity of osteoporosis. X-ray of spine pelvis ri ght hip was carried out in the patient for the assessment of   dislocation of three bones of the pelvis like illiun, ischium and pubis (Fischbach and Barnett, 2009; Novelline and Squire, 2004). Mr. A has cardiovascular plications since some time and he taking medicines for the same. To assess his current cardiovascular plications his blood pressure should be assessed. He is also having breathing problem and to assess his current lung function pulmonary function test should be performed. He is also having liver cirrhosis, hence his liver function test should be performed. In these evaluations it has been observed that his cardiovascular system, respiratory system and liver are normal (Jensen, 2010). Head, ears, eyes, nose and throat (HEENT) Observations   : Eyes : No problem in vision, No blurred vision and there are no spots in the eye. Cardiovascular: Occasional mild chest pain, occasional very little palpitations. Pulmonary : No shortness of breath and no cough. Gastointestinal : There is epigastric pain since long time, diarrhea and bloody stools and loss of appetitie. Genitourinary : No urgency in urination Neurologic : No numbness, tingling and paresthesias. Mukosleletal : Abdominal pain after lifting little heavy bag. Vital signs   : B.P. – Systolic 120 mmHg and diastolic 80 mmHg, Blood sugar level – 110 mg/dl, Body weight – 75 kg, Live function test – AST - 70 IU, ALT -   50 IU Forced expiratory volume (FEV1) – 75 % Conclusion : From the above physical examination and vital signs and other tests, it is evident that disease of Mr. A like hypertension, diabetes, cirrhosis are in control now. However from symptoms like stomach pain, bloody diarrhea and loss of appetite is predicted that he is suffering from Inflammatory bowel disease and decided to go for diffential diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease. Possible diffential diagnosis : Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are types of inflammatory bowel disease. Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are the inflammatory disease of the GI tract and these two disease share few mon factors like symptoms. Also, these two disease share mon etiological factors like environmental, genetic and an abnormal immune response. These two diseases can occur equally in men and women. Crohn’s disease is spread intermittently in the large and small intestines with few areas are inflamed and few areas are normal. Ulcerative colitis can be continuous inflammation particularly in the small intestine. . Crohn’s disease occurs throughout every layer of the intestinal wall, on the other side ulcerative colitis occur particularly in the inner lining of the colon (Targan et al., 2013; Cohen, 2005). Conclusion:   Ã‚  Out of total cases of inflammatory bowel disease around 10 % cases exhibit characteristics of both Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis and moreover severity and occurrence of these diseases is similar in all age groups. This together occurrence of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis is called as intermittent colitis. Out of these two diseases, one particular disease is not age related and both disease occur at any stage of life. Hence, in few cases it is very difficult to differentiate between these two diseases. Nevertheless, a careful medical history, physical examination, use of screening tools, and correct diagnostic tests can precisely differentiate between these two inflammatory bowel disease conditions in most patients, allowing disease-specific management (Tontini et al., 2015).  Ã‚   Physical examination of the patient should be performed along with asking questions to the patient. There is the possibility of fever due to intestinal inflammation and dehydration due to diarrhea. Hence, temperature should be noted and about dehydration Mr. A should be asked about his fatigue and lethargy. This fatigue and lethargy also would be helpful in evaluating anemia because bloody diarrhea, there is the possibility of anemia in Mr.A. There is also possibility of weight loss in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Hence,   weight of Mr. A, also should be noted.  Ã‚  Ã‚      Stomach pain in particular area should be evaluated by slight pressing of the stomach area and inquiring Mr. A about the pain sensation. Inflammatory bowel disease is generally associated with extra intestinal plications like arthritis, iritis and dermatitis. These plications also should be evaluated by observation of the particular part and asking Mr. A about any abnormal feeling in that part like pain in limb in arthritis.  Ã‚   Rectal examination should be performed to assess bloody stool because in inflammatory bowel disease, there is occurrence of bloody diarrhea (Targan et al., 2013; Cohen, 2005). Biomarker analysis: As IBD is inflammatory bowel disease further prediction of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis can be performed by inflammatory biomarker analysis like CRP, IL-6, INF gamma and IL-13. Immunologically Crohn’s disease is TH1 mediated inflammatory disease INF gamma predict about the occurrence of   Crohn’s disease. On the other side, ulcerative colitis is TH2 medicated disease, IL13 predict about ulcerative colitis. Even tough, CRP doesn’t give clear differentiation between Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, it has been found that CRP levels are slightly higher in Crohn’s disease than ulcerative colitis. Serum IL6 levels are also slightly higher in Crohn’s disease than ulcerative colitis. Serum biomarker as diagnostic test should be performed initially because it is simple test and it give good prediction without much plication to the patient. From biomarker analysis, it is evident that Mr. A has ulcerative c olitis (Lewis, 2011; Iskandar et al., 2012). Cross-sectional imaging can be helpful in the identification of the stage of the inflammatory bowel disease. This includes tools like ultrasonography, puted tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and barium contrast radiology. Decision on the selction of the tool for cross-sectional imaging depends on the patient condition, severity of the symptoms in the patient, availability of expertise and instrument. Along with the identification of   location of the lession, cross-sectional imaging is also helpful in the evaluation of the thickness of the colonic wall and examination of the different layers of the colonic wall. This analysis of each wall of the colonic wall helps in the differential diagnosis of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis because Crohn’s disease occurs throughout all the layers of colonic wall and ulcerative colitis occurs in the inner layer of the colonic wall. These imaging techniques also helpful in the assessment of presence or absence of colonic lymph nodes From cross sectional imaging, it is evident that Mr. has ulcerative colitis (Braveman et al., 2004; Tekkis et al., 2005).      Ileo-colonoscopy : Ileo-colonoscopy helpful in the differential diagnosis in the inflammatory bowel disease because in this examination patient with Crohn’s disease exhibits discontinuous inflammation of colonic wall, lesions and cobblestoning of the mucosa. On the other side, ulcerative colitis exhibits erosions,continuous inflammation, microulcers and granularity in the mucosa. From Ileo-colonoscopy it is evident that Mr. A has ulcerative colitis (Dignass et al., 2012).   Ã‚   Histopathology : For the differential diagnosis of the inflammatory bowel disease, histopathology was performed from the two specimens from the five sites of the colon of the colon, rectum and terminal ileum. In histopatological analysis, Crohn’s disease exhibits architectural and inflammatory changes which depicts discontinuous alterations throughout the colon, focal cryptitis, inflammation of the lamina propria and mucin deposition. Ulceratice colitis exhibits paneth cell metaplasiain the distal part of the colon, depletion of mucin, inflammatory cell infiltration throughout the mucosa, distorted crypts and surface erosions. From histopathological analysis it is evident that Mr. A has ulcerative colitis (Magro et al., 2013). Upper endoscopy: Esophagogastroduodenoscopy is helpful in the patients with suspected Crohn’s disease because this particular disease of the inflammatory bowel disease is related to the upper gastrointestinal tract. This diagnostic tool is not valid exclusivity for Crohn’s disease because upper endoscopy is also useful for the diagnosis of the Helicobacter pylori infection, sarcoidosis, tuberculosis and gastric adenocarcinoma. This diagnostic test was rejected in Mr. A because other above performed tests clerly indicated occurrence of ulcerative colitis in Mr. A (Annese et al., 2013). Small-bowel endoscopy:   Small-bowel endoscopy is also specifically useful for the examination of the upper gastrointestinal tract. Hnece, this test was also not considered for the diffential diagnosis of Mr. A, because in other diagnostic tests it was confirmed that Mr. A has ulcerative colitis (Flamant et al., 2013). In the health assessment of Mr. A, stepwise approach was followed starting from the collection of the history of Mr. A in terms of family history and medical history. In this it was identified that Mr. A has very unhealthy lifestyle which was responsible for the multiple disease in M. A like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, liver disease and his condition was like a patient with metabolic syndrome. As, he was consuming medications for these conditions, his most of the health issues in the past are in control now. It is evident from the tests performed for diabetes, blood pressure and liver function test. Recently he was suffering from the intense stomach pain and bloody diarrhea. Hence, it was predicted that Mr. was suffering from inflammatory bowel disease. Inflammatory bowel disease prised of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, specific diagnosis was performed for Mr. A by applying differential diagnosis. In the diffential diagnosis it is evident that Mr.A is s uffering from the ulcerative colitis. Annese, V., Daperno, M., Rutter, M.D., Amiot, A., Bossuyt, P., & East, J. (2013). European evidence based consensus for endoscopy in inflammatory bowel disease. Journal of Crohn's and Colitis, 7(12), 982-1018. Braveman, J.M., Schoetz, D.J., Marcello, P.W., Roberts, P.L., et al. (2004). The fate of the ileal pouch in patients developing Crohn’s disease. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum, 47, 1613–1619. Cohen, R. D. (2003). Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Diagnosis and Therapeutics. Springer Science & Business Media. Dignass, A., Eliakim, R., Magro, F., Maaser, C., Chowers, Y., et al. (2012). Second European evidence-based consensus on the diagnosis and management of ulcerative colitis part 1: definitions and diagnosis. Journal of Crohn's and Colitis, 6, 965–990. Fischbach, F.T., & Barnett, M. (2009). A Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests. (8 th ed.). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Flamant, M., Trang, C., Maillard, O., Sacher-Huvelin, S., Le Rhun, M., Galmiche, J.P., & Bourreille, A. (2013). The prevalence and ou e of jejunal lesions visualized by small bowel capsule endoscopy in Crohn's disease. Inflammatory Bowel Disease, 19(7), 1390-6. Iskandar, H.N., & Ciorba, M.A. (2012). Biomarkers in inflammatory bowel disease: current practices and recent advances. Translational Research, 159, 313–325. Jensen, S. (2010). Pocket Guide for Nursing Health Assessment: A Best Practice Approach. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Lewis, J, D. (2011). The utility of biomarkers in the diagnosis and therapy of inflammatory bowel disease. Gastroenterology, 140:1817–1826.e2. Magro, F., Langner, C., Driessen, A., Ensari, A., Geboes, K., et al. (2013). European consensus on the histopathology of inflammatory bowel disease. Journal of Crohn's and Colitis, 7(10), 827-51. Novelline, R. A., & Squire, L. F. (2004). Squire's Fundamentals of Radiology. (6 th ed.). Harvard University Press.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Targan, S.R., Shanahan, F. Karp, LC. (2007). Inflammatory Bowel Disease: From Bench to Bedside. Springer Science & Business Media. Tekkis, P.P, Heriot, A.G., Smith, O., Smith, J.J., Windsor, A.C., & Nicholls, R.J. (2007). Long-term ou es of restorative proctocolectomy for Crohn’s disease and indeterminate colitis. Colorectal Disease, 7, 218–223. Tontini, G.E., Vecchi, M., Pastorelli, L., Neurath, M.F., & Neumann, H. (2015). Differential diagnosis in inflammatory bowel disease colitis: state of the art and future perspectives. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 21(1), 21-46.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Placement Portfolio and Interview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Placement Portfolio and Interview - Essay Example The company’s focus on e-Learning is interesting, e-Learning is a diverse form of learning and teaching, whether it be via CD, the Internet, or shared files on a network (Educational Resources, Apr 2006). It may be because the training curricula will be available to Saudi Aramco’s international employees or it may be because the position is a flexible one, applicable even for someone living outside of Saudi Arabia. If this is the case, the position will be highly sought after. If not, my nationality and education will make me an attractive applicant. I am a Saudi who is fluent in both Arabic and English. I have a diploma in Information Technology and I have studied databases and SQL language at the Community College as well as administrative Sciences and multimedia. I have experience in management and communication, gained at an education company I worked at in Saudi Arabia. After I finished high school in 2004, I went on to study computing network at the Communication College. I then followed a computer Major linked to management. To do this I moved to Abha City and completed a Diploma in Information Technology at the King Khalid University. Here, I obtained general knowledge about comparisons between computing and management through modules such as introduction to database, visual basic and programming. After graduation, the University sent me to an education company that was associated with the ministry of higher education, in Saudi Arabia. I worked there for three months and gained some key management and communication skills. I then moved to Brighton, England in August 2009 and completed a 10-month intensive English course before being awarded a position at the University of Derby to begin a fulltime Bachelor of Science Degree. History: Saudi Aramco, formally known as Aramco [Arabian American Oil Company], was founded in 1933, when the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Accredit Managed Care Organizations SL Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Accredit Managed Care Organizations SL - Essay Example Since the organizations want to acquire and maintain accreditation, they improve the standards of their services. In so doing, patients end up getting improved care, which is to their benefit. The process of accreditation by NCQA is in two parts. The basis for assessment of each plan is on standards and healthcare effectiveness data and information set (HEDIS). Standards involve the evaluation of the structure and process of a plan in the maintenance and improvement of quality. HEDIS involves evaluating the performance of a plan with regard to the process and outcomes in member experience of care as well as outcomes in clinical care (NSQA, 2008). The NCQA carries out its survey through onsite and offsite evaluations. In the offsite evaluation, the team of surveyors assesses the self-evaluation and other materials that concern the plan. The materials required for the process are accessible through the Interactive survey System, through which the institutions make submissions. The team reviews the plan’s documents, which the institution submits, against standards to ascertain compliance. When evaluating standards, NCQA focuses on quality management and improvement, u tilization management, credentialing, as well as member connections. The Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set on its part assesses areas of care (NCQA, 2008). It focuses on preventive services such as immunization, treatment of acute diseases, management of chronic ailments as well as patience experience. During the on-site review, NCQA assesses various areas of operation as well as documents and material that the institution may not be able to submit through the Interactive Survey System. That includes confidential documents such as minutes of meetings or actual case records. The team of managed care experts and physicians assess the documents against the specifications of the plan as the institution

Monday, August 26, 2019

What arguments can be given for and against the desirability of the Essay

What arguments can be given for and against the desirability of the existence of interest groups or (as Madison called them) factions in a democracy Which position do you think is correct - Essay Example The desirability of the existence of interest groups is quite high in the United States of America, because due to their existence, the civilians or the public are able to communicate their issues and concerns to those who are in various positions in the government. There are various interest groups in the US, and the civilians can find one according to their concerns at any point in time. One of the main purposes of any interest group is to influence policy-makers and the way American public system is shaped; interest groups have enough say in the policy-making process. Interest groups have been really effective mainly due to the power imbalance of the parties that are in the government; this imbalance has been created due to difference in power structure of the two branches of the US government. The desirability of interest groups has increased because of several reasons. The same government decisions may be hurtful for one group or community and fruitful for others; thus, those hurt by government policies use interest groups to lobby to make these policies more favourable for them. Sometimes, when a political party representing one side of population is elected, it may be prone to work for the interest of that particular side, so other sides feel neglected; therefore, such people create interest groups to make sure that their interests are not harmed. As an individual, one might not have the power, resources and voice to influence public policies; therefore, interest groups are seen as a means to achieve power and resources for certain individuals who want to safeguard their interests. Several interest groups are in existence in the US, and they are there for different purposes. Another important function of interest groups is to ensure that the members of the government do not devise policies for their own interests and attach equal importance to different individuals within the US; this ability of interest groups is regarded as oversight power. For

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Behavioral Characteristics Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Behavioral Characteristics - Article Example He wanted to stop commercial interests that are busily destroying embryos in order to obtain stem cells. If this conduct amounts to murder as he contends there is nothing to stop the evil act. Most scientists agree that while adult stem cells offer hope of a cure for some of the cruelest diseases and injuries, embryonic stem cells hold even greater and surer promise. But this greater and surer promise should not drive mankind to madly believe that there is nothing to stop him from terrorizing the world as stem cell research would one day create a man that would defy even death and become indestructible. Hate Sites There are hate sites, Web sites that are very disturbing to browse. Web sites that ridicule African Americans, Jews, gays, immigrants and others, but some took it a few steps further by combining bigotry with articles about guns, bombs and other implements of violence. Others were designed deliberately to shock, with displays of swastikas, burning crosses and nooses. One si te mixes hate with stories and photographs that celebrate sex and violence in the most extreme way imaginable. The people who run hate sites don't usually put up even a feeble effort to keep out children. On the contrary, some overtly invite children and teens to participate. Many have music graphics and rhetoric designed to appeal to teens. Children or teenagers who grow browsing these hate sites will become perverted at an early age which is dangerous to the humankind. Racism It is insensitive and unwise because any satisfaction that racism gives to the students who display racist symbols is far outweighed by the discomfort it causes to many others. They must have known that they would upset many fellow students and ignore the decent regard for the feelings of others so essential to building and preserving a strong and harmonious community. No community will become humane and caring by restricting what its members can say. The worst offenders will simply find other ways to irritat e and insult. In talking with students, the faculty members should seek to educate and persuade, rather than resort to ridicule or intimidation, recognizing that only persuasion is likely to produce a lasting, beneficial effect. Through such efforts, an educational institution can help create a truly understanding, supportive community. Otherwise students will become young offenders. Hate Speech Hate speech is a speech that disparages a person or a group on the basis of some characteristic such as race, gender, ethnicity, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, or other characteristic and this may incite violence or prejudicial action against or by a protected individual or group, or because it disparages or intimidates a protected individual or group. Kenneth Lake thinks that the first ever online’ hate speech’ trial will have drastic consequences for free speech on the Internet. â€Å"I personally will make it my life career to find and kill every one of you pers onally† signed Asian Hater, the words of an email message that is to have serious consequences for Internet freedom. They were written by Richard Machdo, a Los Angeles man who was convicted last Tuesday (10/2/98) of sending racist death threats to 59 Asian students. The email accused Asians for the all crimes on campus, and suggested that Machado would personally â€Å"find†, â€Å"hunt down† and â€Å"kill† them if they did not leave the University of California at Irvine. The email was sent from a campus computer and signed â€Å"Asian Hater†. Hate speech rouses unnatural hatred of the members of one people or community for the members of another resulting in civil right violations that would take its toll on world peace. Animal Testing Experiments on animals, with a view to

Critical appraisal of a research article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Critical appraisal of a research article - Essay Example to take a look at the relevance of the title of the article, whether its summary and abstract are relevant to the point and give enough information on the subject at hand or not, as well as a look at its introduction. Additionally, this paper will take a look at the literature review of the matter the article dwells on (Haberman 2005, p. 28). The title of the article is brief and to the point. Similarly, it is informative of the issue at hand, which is how to retain or keep teachers in challenging schools. Teachers consider the schools to be challenging due to the kind of student behaviors they experience, the difficulty in handling such students and the pressure to deliver results in terms of ensuring that the students perform well and so on, and so forth. When a title is given to a research article or research paper, authors must ensure that it is clear (Olson 2003, p 30). This is for the reason that readers should have the ability to explain what the article is all about without any problem, whatsoever. The wording of the article should be as few as possible; brevity is the target of the endeavor. It is only natural to say that John Brown and Bobbie Greenlee have succeeded in the endeavor. They have effectively given the idea of what the article is all about in the shortest way possible. The terms ‘Retainingâ₠¬â„¢ , ‘Teachers’, ‘Challenging’, and ‘Schools’, all fit this description pretty well (Peske 2006, p. 14). The summary of a research article should be clear and to the point just as the title does. The abstract should not be ambiguous in any way, or else the reader will be thrown off the subject matter. Additionally, the article’s summary should aim at brevity, while at the same time ensuring that the summary conveys as much as possible to the reader. The author of the article should ensure that superfluous words are not part of the summary because this is the point from which the readers need to understand more about the article (Don,

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Introduction Sociopolitical Conclusion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Introduction Sociopolitical Conclusion - Essay Example .White (1995d) incorporates cultural, economic, social, political, and historical factors in nursing faculty. It is founded on critical processes; voice interrogations, incorporated social change discussions, social justice consideration, informed critique. Example of practices is Dementia care wards in Emergency Department where patients are diagnosed before admission. Emergency Department wards possesses calmness, reminiscence material, family involvement, adequate patients’ bulk meals, dementia-interested geriatricians and specialized dementia-trained staff. Sociopolitical knowing answers question, â€Å"Whose Voice is heard? Whose voice is silenced?† focusing on nursing professionals and patients’ care (White, 1995, P.84). The patterns of knowing in nursing contribute greatly by incorporating vital factors such as social, economic and cultural aspects that were previously sidelined by the earlier four knowing patterns. As a result, patients have benefited from this innovation which culminates into increased knowledge in nursing practice. It is important to incorporate compassion and understanding in relation to knowledge of ourselves and the environment around us in order to completely fulfill our duty as a healthcare

Friday, August 23, 2019

Case Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Case - Assignment Example As there were many unions in the area and some of them were also affiliated to political parties; it was essential that the fund collection unit performed to its optimal capacity as the political unit could not function without money. The major players involved in this description are the employees of the fund collection unit.2 new supervisors who have been recently hired. These supervisors are important as they have been responsible for affecting the behaviour of the employees with their attitude towards the fund collection. I have been involved as an observer who tries to analyse the problem and solve it. The political unit is also involved in the setting where team meetings are concerned. However the political unit is an extraneous factor not immediately involved in the problem described below. In the recent past we have witnessed that fund collection for the youth union has decreased considerably. Many reasons have been cited for the lack of fund collection and the department responsible for fund collection has usually declared that very few people have come up with donations due to the recent global recession. However being the unit HR for the fund collection unit I have done my own research regarding the matter. This research was done in the form of questionnaires and informal decision with the various employees. I also applied the naturalistic observation model to observe the different employees and their behaviour. I have come to the conclusion that the problem of low fund collection is more of a behavioural issue where the employees are not willing to give their 100% to the job and are shirking responsibility. I tried to diagnose the problem and find out the root cause of the problem. This diagnosis has been explained below. Lack of Motivation – Due to the recent crunch of funds the union has reduced the amount of commission handed out from 10 % to 5% for every

Thursday, August 22, 2019

In the name of the father Essay Example for Free

In the name of the father Essay Often a film conveys a message about a character through various film techniques. This is true in the film â€Å"In The Name of the Father†. This story is mainly about a young man who is arrested for a crime he did not commit and how a relationship between father and son deepens throughout the tragedy. The main character, Gerry Conlon, is first portrayed to the viewer as an unruly rebel but is later developed into a more docile and compliant character. The director, Jim Sheridon, uses film techniques such as costume design, dialogue and extended metaphors to convey the development of Gerry as a character. 1st paragraph: -1st time we see gerry, scruffy, uncut -costume design baggy jeans, long hair, dirty appearance -gives idea that gerry doesn’t care about his appearance or what people think of him -as film progresses he sharpens up appearance -combed pulled back hair 2nd: -change also shown through dialogue -lawyer asks him if he is scared of the court: -he replies â€Å"i just don’t want to be humiliated again† -this brief piece of dialogue shows that he has now changed and does care what others think of him -helps viewer understand how desperate an innocent man can be in the fight for justice 3rd: -use of extended metaphor -viewer sees lawyer gareth pierce driving through a long tunnel while listening to gerrys story -this could be viewed as an extended metaphor for the long dark road gerry has gone down while fighting the legal system -as the story draws to a conclusion she reaches the end of the tunnel, or the ‘light at the end of the tunnel’ -could refer to the point in the story where gerry and the others are finally set free. Read more:  My Father Goes to Court by Carlos Bulosan

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Analysis Of The Apple Logo

Analysis Of The Apple Logo Conduct an analysis of the organizations logo from the following perspectives: Design Color Message Context and use Source: The Apple Logo, designed by Rob Janoff is very much in vogue and needs no glorious introduction whatsoever. The logo is virtually everywhere; on our iPhones, the beloved iPod, MACS, iPad and even subtle product placements in our favorite movies or shows. Not only is Apple technologically forward, but its logo is also the epitome of innovation. The design is simple, minimal and easily readable which makes it uncomplicated; categorically, it succeeds in grabbing the audiences attention. The logo hones a visually appealing apple with a considerable chunk of its right side bitten off. It is platonic on face value, yet mysterious and seductive on the inside. The bite is what adds character to the logo and makes it all the more alluring. Since the last 30 years the conceptualization and design, of the logo remains largely unchanged except variations in its color and just a few alterations per say. The Apple logo is easily the most recognized corporate symbol in the world, chances are there wont be drastic changes any time soon. Jean Louis Gassà ©e, executive at Apple Computer from 1981 to 1990 divulges more on the subject, One of the deep mysteries to me is our logo, the symbol of lust and knowledge, bitten into, all crossed with the colors of the rainbow in the wrong order. You couldnt dream of a more appropriate logo: lust, knowledge, hope, and anarchy. (Quote: Linzmayer, Owen W 2004, Apple confidential 2.0: the definitive history of the worlds most colorful company, 2nd Edition, no. 1, pp. 12) The original Apple logo was designed by Jobs and Wayne in 1976, showing Isaac Newton sitting under an apple tree. It was inspired by the following quotation, Newton A Mind Forever Voyaging Through Strange Seas of Thought Alone. The organizations name was also incorporated into the original logo. Later it was redesigned in 1977 and if one may say so, immortalized by Janoff with the newer version that we are familiar with today. We have seen numerous variations of the logo in the last years namely the rainbow apple, the aqua colored range and the contemporary metallic-chrome version. There have been a myriad of interpretations and myths as far as the color scheme of the logo is concerned. The rainbow colored apple has been rumored to represent a hippie influence in tandem with the fact that Apple has always branded itself as a cool and hip company that caters to the young and savvy. Designer Rob Janoff explains that the real solid reason for the colored stripes was that the Apple II wa s the first home or personal computer that could reproduce images on the monitor in color. So it represents color bars on the screen. (Raszl, 2009, Interview with Rob Janoff- designer of the Apple logo, Creative Bits, Other urban legends also conclude that the Apple logo is essentially seen as homage to Alan Turning, the forefather of modern computing, who committed suicide using a cyanide-laced apple. Alan Turning was a homosexual and the rainbow colored stripes was seen as a tribute to gay pride. Some even view the bitten apple as a biblical reference to when Eve bit into the forbidden apple or perhaps even the proverbial bite of knowledge. However, these widely distributed apprehensions are sheer myths and have been romanticized because of the logos appeal. Rob Janoff sets the record straight, When I explain the real reason why I did the bite its kind of a letdown. But Ill tell you. I designed it with a b ite for scale, so people get that it was an apple not a cherry. Also it was kind of iconic about taking a bite out of an apple. Something that everyone can experience. It goes across cultures. If anybody ever had an apple he probably bitten into it and thats what you get. It was after I designed it, that my creative director told me: Well you know, there is a computer term called byte. And I was like: Youre kidding! So, it was like perfect, but it was coincidental that it was also a computer term. (Raszl, 2009, Interview with Rob Janoff- designer of the Apple logo, Creative Bits) A noticeable feature about the logo in terms of proportion and texture is its solid shape and a clearly differentiated outline which exudes power. In short, the apple means business and demands to be taken seriously! Close attention has been paid to detail and there is no textual clutter. Its easy on the eye and does not give way to any visual dirt or jargon so to speak. It is interesting to note that the Apple Company does not use its name in its logo and this unconventional approach actually works for them. A logo sans the brand name is much bolder and continues to have a strong presence in a plethora of other rival companies. Furthermore, the apple on a plain white background adds an element of distinctiveness and the contrast speaks volume in terms of shape-recognition. The graphics have witnessed a few changes here and there by making the logo more symmetrical and yet never losing its essence. There are no visible fonts in the official Apple logo and there seems no particular ne ed for one either because of its mass popularity. Apple boasts massive brand awareness without even using the company name in its logo and has dominated the international market with the aid of this cutting-edge design alone. Recently, Apple has opted for white and raw-aluminum color schemes. The revamped glass-themed logo that first appeared on the Mac OS X Panther in 2003 and later on the iPhone, iPod Touch, iPod Nano, Video iPod etc is revolutionary and refreshing. It has no rainbow colors in its new design, is elegant and poised in stature. These tweaks have managed to sustain Apples position as a frontrunner and keeping up-to-date with the consumers tastes and preferences. Apple Computers brand image transcends cultures and continents. The Apple is considered an elite yet attainable product. We all wanted to get our hands on the iPhone when it first came out irrespective of our geographical constraints and earlier the iPod was on everyones wish-list. Thats the beauty of Apple. Their marketing strategy and creative approach is almost impeccable. The Apple logo is not just a corporate identity anymore; but it has also hinged its way well into global popular culture. Why else would it be considered fashionable to wear the bitten apple on their daily apparel by loyal customers and going to extreme lengths by endorsing the logo by having it tattooed on their bodies? The Apple logo appears on all Apple products including computers, laptops, iPods, Macintosh, QuickTime etc. Apple products have unexpectedly popped up innumerable times on media channels as an ideal trick for product placements. The edible apple has been a regular on popular shows like Sex and t he City, Heroes, The Office, Entourage, CSI NY, House, 24 and The O.C to name a few. Apple has however repeatedly denied any claims that they pay for product placements which could only mean that Apple gives away its products for usage to certain production houses. Similar patterns of supporting shiny MacBooks and iPods can be viewed on the big screen including new releases like Wall-E, Toy Story 3, Wall Street 2, Kick Ass and Book of Eli. Hence, Hollywoods growing relationship with Apple is headed towards a lifetime romance and is one the reasons why the logo is so popular and inadvertently the products deemed as chic. Examples of Product Placements. The intimacy between Apple and its logo is legendary. Despite its humble beginnings, Apple has materialized as quite the sensation ever since its inception. Avant garde campaigns like Think Different and out of the box creativity have made the infamous gnawed apple timeless for all times to come. Apple understands its consumers needs and the universally recognizable logo is the perfect testament to what the company has achieved over the years after its initial years as a failing company to being the big gun it is today. No company vouches such hearty endorsements and positive responses by consumers like Apple does. The chucked fruit is here to stay and then some!

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Ethnic Conflict Between Blacks And Whites

Ethnic Conflict Between Blacks And Whites In todays world we have one common phenomenon which can be found in everywhere because of some political and sociological situations that our world has. The phenomenon is called as an ethnicity or racism, and normally the problem that we have can be called as ethnic conflict. As we know that conflict refers to some form of friction, discord arising, or disagreement within one specific group or between two different sides. Normally in order to have a conflict, there has to be some relationships, and all kinds of relationships can create one or more conflict in a given society as a group. According to Ross ; Conflict occurs in virtually all communities, but there are important cross-cultural differences in its levels and forms (Marc Howard Ross 304). As how Ross pointed out the importance of cross-cultural differences related with conflict, we have to know more detail information about one specific conflict to understand how it started and what kinds of effects does it has. As we know that ethnic conflict also shows a lot of differences from culture to culture. Therefore, firstly we have to define what ethnic or race conflict is. According to Ross ; The term race refers to groups of people who have differences and similarities in biological traits deemed by society to be socially significant, meaning that people treat other people differently because of them (Ross 308). Defining one phenomenon is one of the most challenging things, because all experts explain ethnicity or race in different ways owing to their different perspectives and knowledge background. The ethnic conflict mostly can be found in America and Africa continent. According to Payne ; While it is common to associate racial and ethnic discrimination with blacks in United States, it must be pointed out that there are other groups which have experienced some things as blacks. Such as Native, Mexican, Puerto Rican Americans (Charles Payne 1). Most specifically I focus on the conflict that America has b etween blacks and whites as an ethnic conflict, because the historical background of ethnic conflict is very ancient in America. Owing to the conflict that American society had in the past, we can see some irrefutable and irrepressible effects on people who live in America, most importantly on black people. As we know that the problem did not solve since the time period of American Civil War. This is because as I mentioned that the socio-cultural differences and the relationships between blacks and whites have different variables. Since the time of problematic period which can be called as inequality between black and white people or seeing black people as secondary American citizens, nobody can find reliable solutions for this case. Because of this unsolved problem, black American citizens who are also called as African Americans have been suffering both morally, politically, educationally and economically. In this research, my main concern is education related with how African Ame rican students are affected by ethnicity and racism in schools. Briefly, black students can be humiliated because of some ethnic problems that they face in their schools and I believe that the successes of African American students are affected by ethnic conflict because of three reasons which are historical background of ethnicity in America, social identity problems that African American students have and the problem of educational utility which is related with how African American students are educated and does the education effective. With these three reasons, mostly I focus on the effects of ethnic conflict in America between black and whites and related with all these information I will try to find most reliable and successful solution way in education to protect African Americans. First of all, as we know that the historical background of ethnicity in America includes a lot of variables, and related with these factors I believe in the African American can be humiliated. This is because tribes about black people in America which play crucial role in decision making processes which are done by mostly white American people. In America we have general tendency to see African American people as a weak owing to the historical knowledge, ÄÂ ±f we look the side of racist white American people. Firstly, we have to point out that some things have changed and some things have not related with ethnic conflict case in America. According to Jim Wallis ; What has not changed is the systematic and pervasive character of racism in the United States and the condition of life for the majority of African Americans. In fact, those conditions have gotten worse (Wallis 198). Basically we can understand that the situations of African American people are still bad and can be wors e than how it is now. As I mentioned that the tribes which cause worse conditions of African American people come from the past which is the time period of 1400 and 1500, and the ethnicity / racism started with slavery in American continent. Wallis explains the historical background of slavery very clearly with these sentences; In the United States, the original purpose of black racism was to justify slavery and its enormous economic benefit. The particular form of racism, inherited from the English to justify their own slave trade, was especially venal, for it defined the slave not merely as an unfortunate victim of bad circumstances, war, or social dislocation but rather as less than human, as a thing, an animal, a piece of property to be bought and sold, used and abused (Wallis 198). The thing is clear without any doubt, as we can see from Walliss thoughts that the slaves in the past were seen as an animal, and they did not have any civil right as human beings. As I mentioned tha t some things have changed by the time, according to Wallis what has change is described in this way ; The personal racial attitudes of many white Americans and the opportunities for some African Americans to enter the middle levels of society. The word middle is key here, in so far as African Americans have yet to be allowed into most of the upper echelons and decision-making positions of business, the professions, the media, or even the fields of sports and entertainment where black progress has so often been celebrated (Willis 199 ). As how Willis asserts that we have some recoveries, however despite the improvement of black Americans conditions in society, we have one problematic area which is not solved yet. This is also again related with the historical background of ethnic conflict in America. This area is called as education. In brief, historical background of slavery and the tribes that American society has related with racism are two important key feature of racist conflic t which can be found in education. Secondly, as I mentioned that ethnic conflict can be found in education, most specifically ethnic conflict force student to select their sides as an identity and it creates identity problems related with African American students, and also this problem affects African American youths academic performance. According to writers; Although African American youths academic performance has received a great deal of attention from both popular media and research scholars much of this attention has focused on how African Americans compare academically to other racial groups (Ciara Smalls, Rhonda White, Tabbye Chavous and Robert Sellers 299). We always compare the successes of different ethnic groups, owing to this tendency we have little concern about the causes of academic success or failure related with African American students. Rather than compering how Afro-Americans are more successful than other groups or not, we have to focus on the primary causes of academic success which can also be called as academic engagement. According to researches about this case; Academic engagement encompasses linking ones personal identity to the roles of student and learner , showing sustained curiosity and interest in class, and displaying intense efforts in learning tasks ( Sellers et al. 300). However the ethnicity problem sets indestructible borders in front of African American students, because of their beliefs about race and ethnicity. It is explained by writer in this way; it is likely that African American adolescents levels of academic engagement are influenced, in part, by their beliefs about the meaning of race and their experiences with racial discrimination ( Sellers et al. 300). Thirdly, educational utility is also main problematic issue which is related to how African American students are educated and does the education effective on Afro-American students despite the ethnic problems that most schools have. According to Rowley; Educational utility is defined as the value that student places on doing well in school and on getting a good education (Rowley 4). However in most part of United States, African American students show tendency to lower academic success, and all experts and sociologists like Rowley have been trying to find main causes of this unsuccessfulness. Basically Rowley evolved Cluster Analysis to easily understand the relationship educational utility, African Americans performance and the ethnic conflicts effects on these students academic performances. According to Rowley; Utility as having two dimensions that are relevant to African American students. The first dimension, idealistic educational utility, is based on the Protestant work ethic -hard work in school is directly related to success and the second dimension of educational utility values, is context-specific educational utility, and reflects the idea that education does not always result in occupational success-that because of discrimination, education is less useful for African Americans than it is for members of other racial or ethnic groups (Rowley 5). Normally we can understand that we have two different dimensions for African American students. Firstly, hard working in schools like schools which have protestant work ethic can bring success to Afro-American students. Therefore according to Rowleys analysis, African American students can only be successful in this type of schools. However this analysis also gives counter argument by saying that the context-specific educational utility cannot always be the way of successful education for African American students, this is because of contextual factors such as race, gender, and socioeconomic status constrain t he value of education. Basically, we can say that the context-specific educational utility is not suitable as much as others, because the context-specific educational utility component also refers specifically to race and education. If I take all these point into consideration, I can say that without any doubt ethnic conflict is one of the greatest problem in American society. They have been trying to solve it by using different ways. For example, African American students families try to protect their children by providing some new ways against the racial things that occur in American education system by using homeschooling. However educational problems related with ethnic conflict unfortunately is not solved yet. African American students suffer so much. For instance, they cannot take adequate education as much as how White American students are educated. Huge conflicts can be found in America, most specifically in education because of the historical background of ethnic conflict, identity problems that African American students have and the education utility related with how African American students take education and how does education affect their social condition. To solve these conflicts between ethnic g roups in America most specifically between blacks and whites in education, we have to know historical background of ethnicity and effects of its on American society very well to find most reliable solution ways.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Uniqueness Of The American Constitution Essay example -- essays re

The Uniqueness of the American Constitution We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. This document, written more than 200 years ago is still the backbone that allows America to be an example of freedom and righteousness to the rest of the world.   Unlike any other government doctrine, the Constitution has remained an active governing force through the changes of American society.   It allows its citizens the basic freedom of human beings and does not infringe on one's individuality.   In its uniqueness, the Constitution not only gives freedom but also protects its people economically, religiously, politically, and socially. Power is a delicate element and the Constitution is careful in defining where certain powers lie.   One of the novelties about this doctrine is that it does a clever job of dividing certain powers between the state and federal governments.   Monetary units, for example, are issued exclusively by the federal government.   This is not only more convenient for traveling purposes, but also allows for a more 'united' spirit.   People in California can easily view a commercial for a product affiliated with New York without having to translate the cost or watch the television screen ...

Curfew: Worth It Or Not Essay -- essays research papers

Curfew: Worth It Or Not   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Curfew is not being enforced, imprisons you, and does not prevent kids who are over 17 to commit crimes. There is always no one to enforce the curfew, and it is hard to enforce. You feel as you are in a prison, you should have control over your own life, and government should not tell you what to do. Finally, kids 17 years and younger do not commit crimes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Curfew is not possible to enforce because you can not tell by just looking at someone and saying that they are 17 years or younger. In addition, since this is a free country, you do not have to have an ID with you all the time. For example, a Police Officer is walking on a street and sees several teenagers going on the same side. He can not tell w...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Abortion Is Not the Answer :: The Right to Life, Pro-Life Essays

Abortion is removing of an unborn child from its mother?s womb before its birth. As a pro-life advocate, I believe that abortion is morally and ethically wrong and should be stopped. Having an abortion is not the answer and is in fact worsening the problem. Victims can suffer serious consequences either physically or psychologically. Some victims who have abortion suffer life threatening complications such as heavy bleeding, fever and infection. It can also lead to problems in a future pregnancy, such as miscarriages, premature births, and children born with handicaps, because any problem or change in a woman's reproductive organs may affect the development of her children. Other victims suffer from depression because of overwhelming feelings of regret or guilt after the abortion. To cope with this they might become an alcoholic or drug addict, others commit suicide. In our society today abortion becomes the solution to carelessness. I believe that it has nothing to do with helping the rape victims. Instead abortion encourages the victims to use their unborn babies as a scapegoat for their anger. We should encourage the victims that childbirth can be a victory. And by choosing childbirth over abortion they can be triumphant by not letting rape destroy their life. Accidental, unplanned pregnancy is another problem that people chose to have an abortion. Being pregnant is scary for teenagers mostly because of fear that their parents would not support or would disown them. Abortion is not the answer again. Instead, telling their parents so they can be supported by them. And if it?s impossible to talk to their parents let?s encourage them to talk to a trusted adult such as a relative or a friend. We should also let them know that there are more options to their dilemma other than abortion. I know it?s not easy for someone to get pregnant against her will, but the unborn child has also the right to live. If the mother does not want to keep her baby, she can give it for adoption. There are couples that have been trying to have a baby with no luck and always consider adopting a child and giving them a better life.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Analysis of the Character of Winston in 1984 Essay

Written by the author George Orwell, 1984 gives a terrifying outlook of society. George Orwell presents a world in which society, controlled by the State, is indoctrinated in propaganda and illusion. The main character is different from the rest of the people since he decides to defy the society he lives in. From the first chapters, the author creates the image of an unsatisfied man with the people surrounding him. The character of Winston, however, seems a bit of a paradox since, whilst he tries to rebel against his society, he irrevocably loves his job. From the beginning of the book, Winston disobeys the Party’s orders (by writing a diary), showing his disapproval of the way society is. Furthermore, the fact that Winston keeps a journal, conscious of the danger he risks, is evidence that he hates his society. As the reader advances in the first chapter, he can witness Winston’s attitude towards the Party’s values and the society. His attitude seems to always differ from the other employees. Indeed during the â€Å"Two Minutes Hate† whilst everyone seems to loathe Goldstein, Winston is only faking his hate. This shows his refusal into following the Party’s rules. Moreover â€Å"Winston’s hatred was not turned against Goldstein but, on the contrary, against Big Brother, the Party and the Thought Police†. Winston has a very critical approach to the Party’s policies. Winston’s uneasiness towards the telescreen is further proof on how he feels about society. Indeed, the telescreen represents another controlling aspect of the society. Winston despises the controlling aspect of his society since the telescreen has â€Å"pushed† him into becoming paranoid. Winston’s attitude towards the telescreen shows us he hates his society for watching him all the time. Winston also hates women, a specific part of society. They represent absolute obedience and depersonalization which he completely disapproves of. Yet, his feelings towards them are presented as complex since Orwell insists on the fact that he looks down at them but also feels attracted to them. Winston is however having issues with pretty women: he feels that they are joining blindly the Party. His strong hatred for them is shown by the wish to hurt them: â€Å"flog to death†, â€Å"shoot arrows†, and â€Å"cut her throat at the climax†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ However his apparent complicity with O’Brien shows, underneath all the hatred, that Winston is actually longing for a friend in this society he hates. This complicity is due to the fact that Winston feels closely to O’Brien as he defied Big Brother’s authority. Winston might have then felt like he was not the only one to fully despise the world he lives in. Winston’s hatred for is society has a paradoxical aspect since he reject his society’s values and deeply loves his job at the same time. This seems paradoxical because Winston despises the fact that the Party controls, modifies everything whilst his job consists in modifying documents. His job consists in modifying documents, as if he were rewriting History to make it coherent with the Party’s claims. Winston’s job requires organization skills, with special attention for dates. The reader learns that â€Å"Winston’s greatest pleasure in life was in his work†. The benefits that his job brings to his life are escaping his life and a position of power. The position of power might refer to the fact that Winston can change elements of the world he lives in and furthermore which might make Winston feel in complete control of his life and work. However, Winston is far from being â€Å"in control† of anything, but he does have a certain amount of power at the Ministry, considering he is allowed to access archives. This could explain why Winston likes his job so much. Furthermore it seems that Winston is able to interact with the past and its â€Å"real† version being closer to reality than the updated version. On the other hand, Winston expresses a sense of uncertainty concerning the exact authenticity of the version he received. In addition, it is because Winston hates his society he uses his job as a way of forgetting his sad life. His job requires a lot of concentration and dedication, which is exactly what he needs to escape his boring daily routine. Because he is so involved in his job, his life becomes easier. This means his job gives him the possibility of somewhat escaping from the horror of living under such an regime. 1984’s main character Winston is a complex man, who refuses to conform to the norms of society and chooses instead to defy it, while at the same time he very much enjoys his work at the Ministry. Winston hates his society, yet loves his job. This is coherent because the aspects of society that Winston so despises are changeable by his job.

Friday, August 16, 2019

High Blood Pressure Project

Blood pressure is determined by the amount of blood your heart pumps and the amount of resistance to blood flow in your arteries. The more blood your he t pumps and the narrower your arteries, the higher your blood pressure. Hypertension can continue for years without any symptoms. Even without sys MOTOS, damage to blood vessels and the heart continues and can be detected. Once trolled high blood pressure increases the risk Of serious health problems, including h earth attack and stroke. . Define symptoms Most people with high blood pressure have no signs or symptoms, even if blob odd pressure readings reach dangerously high levels. Although a few people with relegates high blood pressure may have dull he dachas, size spells or a few more nosebleeds than normal, these signs and symptom s usually don't occur until high blood pressure has reached a severe or alphabetizing stage. 3. Define cause There are two types of high blood pressure.Primary (Essential) Hypertension For most adults, there's no identifiable cause of high blood pressure. This type of high blood pressure, called essential hypertension or primary hypertension , tends to develop gradually over many years. Secondary Hypertension Some people have high blood pressure caused by an underlying condition. This type of high blood pressure, called secondary hypertension, tends to appear suddenly and cause higher blood pressure than does primary hypertension.Various conditions and medications can lead to secondary hypertension, including: ; Kidney problems ; Adrenal gland tumors ; Thyroid problems ; Certain defects in blood vessels you're born with (congenital) ; Certain medications, such as birth control pills, cold remedies, decongestants, overcorrection pain relievers and some prescription drugs ; Illegal drugs, such as cocaine and amphetamines ; Alcohol abuse or chronic alcohol use ; Obstructive sleep apneas 4. Define western medicine approach (medication, services) Lifestyle can go a long way toward con trolling high blood pressure.The doctor r may recommend a healthy diet with less salt, regular exercise, quitting smoking, a ND losing weight. In addition to lifestyle changes, the doctor may recommend medication to low ere blood pressure. Medications to treat hypertension include: Ethicize diuretics Beta blockers Unconventionality's enzyme (ACE) inhibitors Negotiations II receptor blockers (Arabs) Calcium channel blockers Rennin inhibitors Alpha blockers Alphabet blockers Centralizing agents Vacillators Lodestone antagonists 5. Explain medical professionals involved Internists and family practice physicians often treat patients with high blood p reassure.Internists-?also called internal medicine physicians-?have training and expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of adult diseases. Family physicians focus on preventing diagnosing, and treating disease in people of all ages.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Counseling Assessment Paper

Counseling Assessment Paper Janell Brazeal BSHS 321 June 12, 2012 Joel Sadowsky Counseling Assessment Paper The life of a counselor is spent by talking with and listening to people. The main point of the counselors’ job is to interact with their patients and advise them on personal, family, educational, mental health and career problems they might be experiencing. Generally, counselors specialize in a specific field, such as; school counselors; rehabilitation counselors; mental health counselors; substance and behavioral disorder counselors; and marriage and family counselors.One important thing a counselor needs to have is active listening skills. In reviewing my practice counseling interviews, and the written feedback I received from my colleagues I was able to see my strengths and weaknesses. Behavioral research studies done over the past 40 years have isolated three key characteristics of feedback. They are classified as specificity, empathy, and inquiry. These three eleme nts represent key feedback skills so trainers can teach and assess effectively. Lawrence, 1995). My first interview, my client was sent to me for grades dropping. Before coming to see me, my client was a straight â€Å"A† student until she started working after school and joined a band which practiced three times a week. Her main concern was her parents finding out that she was failing three classes and that they would make her quit band, she didn’t care so much if she had to quit her job. My second interview, my client was referred to me for time management.She needed help figuring out how to manage her time, between being a full-time mom; student; and wife. She feels guilty for making time to work on her studies because it takes time away from her children and husband. Her husband is the main provider for the household, so the only time she gets to work on her studies is when he is home from work. The constructive feedback I received back from my colleagues was that I offered first-rate eye contact; my body language was focused on the client.I saw in my playback video, I sat straight and leaned in a little towards my clients, so I can hear them better. I asked direct questions, such as; how do you think your parents’ would react? How do you feel about your failing grades? What do you think you can do differently to improve your grades? Have you talked with your family about the importance of getting your studies and assignments done one time? Before ending my counseling sessions, I did set the expectations for my clients’ next visits.Watching the video playbacks, I did notice a few mistakes and what I need to work on next time. I missed sharing with my client the confidentiality codes, I was a bit out of words, and I know better not to chew gum during an interview. I also gave advice in one of my interviews, which we were not supposed to do. What I think went well during my interviews is I offered that first rate eye contact, I ha d a formal ending and set the expectations for my clients next visits.What I would’ve done differently during my interviews, is take make notes, asked more questions, and not offer advice. In conclusion, the life of a counselor is to have active listening skills. The counselors’ main job is to interact with their patients and offer advice/suggestions when needed. When we don’t use active listening skills, we’re not allowing ourselves to hear what the other person is saying. References Lawrence, Harriet V. Wiswell, Albert K. Training & Development, Feedback is a Two-Way street, July 1995, pg. 2

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

A Murdur Is Announced

A Murder Is Announced A Murder Is Announced is a work of detective fiction by Agatha Christie and first published in the UK by the Collins Crime Club in June 1950 and in the US by Dodd, Mead and Company in the same month. The UK edition retailed at eight shillings and sixpence (8/6) and the US edition at $2. 50. ] The novel features her detective Miss Marple and is considered a crime novel classic. The book was heavily promoted upon publication in 1950 as being Christie's fiftieth book, although in truth this figure could only be arrived at by counting in both UK and US short story collections.Plot summary A strange notice appears in the morning paper of a perfectly ordinary small English village, Chipping Cleghorn: â€Å"A murder is announced and will take place on Friday, October 29th, at Little Paddocks, at 6:30 p. m. Friends accept this, the only intimation. † This apparently comes as a great surprise to Letitia Blacklock, the owner of Little Paddocks, as she has no idea w hat the notice means; she didn't place it and none of her companions knows more than she. Miss Blacklock decides to take it in her stride and prepares herself to have guests that evening.Naturally, the villagers are intrigued by this notice, and several of them appear on the doorstep with awkward reasons but a definite interest. As the clock strikes 6:30, the lights go out and a door swings open, revealing a man with a blinding torch. In a heavily accented voice, the man demands they â€Å"Stick 'em up! † Most of the guests do so, believing it to be part of a game. The game ends when shots are fired into the room. The door slams shut, and panic takes hold: in short order, it's discovered that the fuses are blown, the gunman has been shot, and Ms.Blacklock's ear is bleeding, apparently from a bullet's near-miss. The most curious thing of all is the gunman: he is recognized by Dora Bunner (an old friend of Letitia's, affectionately known as â€Å"Bunny,† who lives at Lit tle Paddocks as her companion) as Rudi Scherz, the receptionist at a local spa, who had asked Letitia for money just a few short days ago. The police are called in. All clues suggest that the case is merely a strange suicide or accidental death, but Inspector Craddock is uneasy about both possibilities.As luck would have it, Miss Marple is a guest at the very same spa where Rudi Scherz was employed. Craddock is advised to involve her in the case, and the two commence working together. At the spa, it emerges that Rudi has a criminal background, but petty theft and forgery rather than any more serious crime. His girlfriend, a waitress at the spa, however, reveals that he had been paid to appear as the holdup man; he believed it was all â€Å"a silly English joke†, and was clearly not planning on being shot at. With this new knowledge, Craddock returns to Chipping Cleghorn.Miss Marple, not uncoincidentally, is the godmother of the local vicar's wife, and decides to stay with her . The first step is to establish a motive for Scherz's attack on Miss Blacklock. This presents a problem: Letitia has no known enemies. She worked for a successful financier (Randall Goedler) and has done quite well for herself but is not herself wealthy. She does not lead a lavish life and, aside from her house, she has only enough to live on. However, she may shortly come into a great deal of money; Randall Goedler's estate passed to his wife, Belle, when he died.Belle is frail, and is now very near death. When Belle dies, Miss Blacklock inherits everything. If, however, she predeceases Belle, the estate goes to the mysterious â€Å"Pip† and â€Å"Emma†, children of Randall's estranged sister, Sonia. No one knows where these two are, much less what they look like. Inspector Craddock discovers oil on the hinges of a door into the parlour (where the shooting took place) thought to be unused, and Bunny mentions that until quite recently there had been a table placed aga inst the door.Inspector Craddock travels to Scotland to meet Belle; she mentions that Letitia had a beloved sister, Charlotte, who was born with a goiter. Their father, an old-fashioned doctor, tried unsuccessfully to treat Charlotte, but she only withdrew further into herself as her goiter got worse. Their father died shortly before World War II, and Letitia gave up her job with Goedler and took her sister to Switzerland for the necessary surgery to repair the defect. The two sisters waited out the war in the Swiss countryside, but before it was over, Charlotte died very suddenly.Letitia returned to England shortly thereafter. Miss Marple takes tea with Bunny during her shopping trip with Letitia, and Bunny reveals several details about the case: she talks about the recently oiled door she found with the Inspector; she's sure that Patrick Simmons, a young cousin of Letitia's who, with his sister Julia, is also staying at Little Paddocks, is not as he appears; and, most tellingly, s he's absolutely positive there was a different lamp in the room on the night of the murder (the one with the shepherdess and not with the shepherd) than there was now.Their tete-a-tete is interrupted, however, as Letitia arrives, and she and Bunny resume their shopping. That evening, Letitia arranges a birthday party for Bunny, complete with almost everyone who was at the house when Rudy Scherz was kills; and she asks Mitzi to make her special cake, which Patrick has nicknamed â€Å"Delicious Death†. This was while post-war austerity rationing was in effect — butter and eggs were hard to come by even in a rural community, and the chocolate and raisins used in the cake were very difficult to get.A box of chocolates is also a present. Bunny loves chocolate but it gives her a headachek and she can't find the aspirin she bought. She takes some of Letitia's aspirin instead, lies down for a nap – and dies. Miss Marple visits Ms. Blacklock, who mourns Bunny and starts crying. Miss Marple asks to see photo albums which might contain pictures of Sonia Goedler, Pip and Emma's mother, but all photos of Sonia were taken out of the albums recently, although they were in place before the death of Rudi Scherz.Through deduction and re-enactment, Misses Hinchliffe and Murgatroyd (two spinster farmers who were also present at the time of the Scherz murder) figure out that Miss Murgatroyd could see who was in the room as she was standing behind the door when it swung open; she couldn't have seen Rudi as he was on the other side of the opened door, but she could see whose faces were illuminated by the torch beam. The two women conclude that the person who wasn't in the room (and therefore not seen by Miss Murgatroyd) could have sneaked out of the room when the lights went out and come around behind Rudi, and shot at him—and Miss Blacklock.Just as she remembers the one person not in the room, the stationmaster calls to notify them that a dog has just ar rived. As Miss Hinchliffe pulls away in her car, Miss Murgatroyd runs into the driveway, shouting â€Å"She wasn't there! † She is murdered while Miss Hinchliffe is away, and so does not reveal whom she did not see. Miss Hinchliffe returns and meets Miss Marple. They discover Murgatroyd's body, and a distraught Hinchliffe informs Miss Marple of Murgatroyd's cryptic statement. At Little Paddocks, Letitia receives a letter from the real Julia Simmons in Perth.She confronts â€Å"Julia† with the letter, and â€Å"Julia† reveals that she is actually Sonia's daughter, Emma Stamfordis, masquerading as Julia so that she could attempt to gain a portion of the inheritance from Letitia and let the real Julia spend time pursuing an acting career. Julia/Emma insists she is uninvolved in the assassination attempt—she was a crack shot during the French Resistance and would not have missed at that range, even in the dark—nor did she wish to prevent Letitia from i nheriting Randall Goedler's estate.She had intended to ingratiate herself with Letitia and try to obtain a portion of the money, and once the murder took place, had no choice but to continue the masquerade. Phillipa Haymes (a boarder at Little Paddocks and a young widow) sneaks into the kitchen to speak to Julia/Emma, but Julia/Emma sends her away before finding out what Phillipa had to say. That night, the vicar's cat, Tiglath Pileser, knocks over a glass of water onto a frayed electrical cord, which causes the fuses to blow, and the final clue falls into place for Miss Marple.Inspector Craddock gathers everyone at Little Paddocks and launches the final inquest, which is interrupted by Mitzi, Letitia's foreign â€Å"lady-help†, crying out that she saw Letitia commit the murder. The inspector does not believe her, and continues with his questioning. The inspector continues, and quickly insinuates that Edmund Swettenham who, with his widowed mother, was also present at the sho oting, is in fact Pip. However, Phillipa comes forward and confesses that she is in fact Pip; Inspector Craddock then accuses Edmund of wanting to marry a rich wife in Phillipa by murdering Letitia.Edmund denies this and as he does so, a terrified scream is heard from the kitchen. Everyone rushes to the kitchen and discovers Miss Blacklock attempting to drown Mitzi in the sink. Miss Blacklock is arrested by a local constable who has been hiding in the kitchen with Miss Marple, who imitates Dora Bunner's voice to make Ms. Blacklock break down. Miss Marple explains it quite simply: it wasn't Charlotte who died in Switzerland, but Letitia.Charlotte, aware that Letitia was in line to inherit a fortune, posed as Letitia and returned to England; few people knew Charlotte, as she had been a recluse before leaving England, and a slight change in Letitia's appearance could be explained away to casual acquaintances by her time abroad during the war. She only needed to avoid people who knew Le titia well, such as Belle Goedler, and to always cover her throat with strings of pearls or beads to hide the scars from her goiter surgery. Bunny was one of the few people who remembered Charlotte as Charlotte, but by then, Charlotte was so lonely that she allowed her old chool friend to move in. However, Rudi Scherz could have ruined everything: he worked at the Swiss hospital where Charlotte had been treated and could therefore identify Charlotte as herself. This is why Letitia/Charlotte hired him to come to Chipping Cleghorn and â€Å"hold up† a room full of guests: she blew the fuse by pouring water from a vase of flowers onto the frayed cord of a lamp, slipped out the second door, stood behind Rudi, and shot him. She then nicked her ear with a pair of nail scissors and rejoined the others, playing the part of perplexed host.Bunny became the next target because she, too, could reveal too much. Bunny had an eye for detail, but was prone to slip-ups: on several occasions, she referred to Ms. Blacklock as â€Å"Lotty† (short for â€Å"Charlotte†) instead of â€Å"Letty† (short for â€Å"Letitia†), and her conversation with Miss Marple in the cafe proved fatal. Miss Murgatroyd, the final victim, was also killed for guessing too much and for coming to the realization that Letitia/Charlotte was the one person, beside herself, whose face was not illuminated by Rudi Scherz's torch.Mitzi and Edmund had been persuaded by Miss Marple to play parts in tripping Charlotte Blacklock up; Miss Marple's plans were almost brought down when Phillipa admitted to being Pip, but Inspector Craddock thought fast enough to turn around and claim Edmund was after Phillipa's money. In the end, Phillipa/Pip and Julia/Emma inherit the Goedler fortune; Edmund and Phillipa/Pip get married and return to Chipping Cleghorn to live. Characters in â€Å"A Murder is Announced† * Miss Jane Marple * Inspector Dermot Craddock Letitia Blacklock, lady of th e house, in her early/mid 60s * Dora Bunner, her elderly fluttery childhood friend, usually known by her nickname, â€Å"Bunny† * Patrick and Julia Simmons, Miss Blacklock's spoiled and foolish young cousins (who call her Aunt) * Mitzi, Miss Blacklock's foreign housekeeper and cook, a young refugee * Phillipa Haymes, a young widowed paying guest/gardener with a young son at boarding school * Colonel Archie Easterbrook, blustery old colonel just returned from India * Laura Easterbrook, his considerably younger, glamorous wife * Mrs Swettenham, elderly lady who dotes on her son Edmund Swettenham, cynical young writer * Miss Hinchcliffe, efficient lady farmer * Miss Amy Murgatroyd, her pleasant but giggly companion * Belle Goedler, dying widow of Letitia's former wealthy employer * Diane `Bunch? Harmon, wife of the local vicar * Julian Harmon, the vicar * Tiglath Pileser, the vicarage cat * Rudi Scherz, a young man of Swiss extraction, the receptionist at a local spa * Myrna Har ris, girlfriend of the latter, waitress at local spa * Chief Constable George Rydesdale, Craddock's superior